Sunday, November 18, 2012

Good Bye Fashion Designer Francisco Azucar

Last night, a friend of mine called to tell me the sad news of a local South Florida designers passing. Francisco Azucar passed away in Tampa while working his fashion show. Word has it he passed from a heart attack. Azucar” as he was better known to his friends and fashion industry professionals, was based out of Miami but he was a regular in the Tampa/St Pete fashion scene coming to Tampa several times a year to participate in fashion shows and events in the area. Miami born Azucar was of Cuban descent and he was a very talented fashion designer, loved and respected in the community. His versatility is what set him apart from other designers. He was able to create womenswear and menswear including swimwear and pageant dresses but he was better known for his couture designs. We did not know Francisco personally, we knew of him, he knew of us as well; we've seen his beautiful creations and also bumped into him from time to time in downtown Miami with a client at the fabric stores. I actually went to one of his fashion shows in a club some years ago. As a fellow designer and human being, we must pay our respects and for his family, Our Condolences. I know he will be missed by his friends and colleagues. Go with God/Vaya con Dios Francisco Azucar.
Viktor Franovik President Fashion Designers Association Florida

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The last FRANOVIK show of the year

So last Sunday Franovik Designs did their last show of 2012. We were included at LS1426 Inc fashion week. The show was held at the Marriott Biscayne Bay in Miami from 6 to 9 under Linda Scott Productions. This show was very special; the fashion show was for plus size models. Franovik got the chance to participate and produce a few pieces using plus size models. It was quite the experience, as fashion designers we tend to go with the norm, smaller sizes, taller, stick figure models but the reality is we dress women, all sizes, races, colors, etc.All we want is for people to see our creations, not only on a mannequin in a store but on a real body. It was a beautiful day; we walked in and immediately felt the love. We were the only Couture designers from Florida. Miss Linda had models for us and proceeded to a conference room for us to fit the ladies. We had 18 pieces, fit the ladies, and decided to go with 12 pieces. I, as usual, brought my entourage of assistants, including the fabulous Kathy Nunez from Face Future, CEO of KN Cosmetics, to do all the makeup, 13 girls to be exact. Needless to say, the makeup was flawless. I don't know how Kathy does it but the lips were amazing, the highlight of my evening. She makes those lips look like vinyl-latex, smooth and wet. I mean, I wanted her to do my lips, MUAH!!! While the ladies were getting their faces done, I got a chance to meet the other designers (hey Miss Suzette), models, sponsors, photographers, media and the DJ....Very important for me because I needed to discuss start, breaks and where I wanted to cue the music. My photographer arrived; Don Seidman, so we looked at the place and went ahead to discuss the evening agenda and what kind of pictures I was looking for. Don met the models and spoke to them on what he needed from them. Take your time, he says, it's not a rat race, it's your time to shine. Sometime went by and Steve, Marnie and Julio from Amplification Inc, (newly acquired marketing company for Franovik) show up to interview us, Kathy and the models. I was interviewed first while we did a run through with the models.
I really need to get a grip while being interviewed; Jeez, I really let go, it's funny, somewhat flaming, (LMAO). Then Francisco is interviewed and he's the complete opposite, he gets nervous and forgets his words and goes west with his thoughts!! So show time is approaching, the show is late, almost 2 hours late. Show starts and we are the first to present; you know I'm going to open up with a bang, I want to set the tone, I want every other designer to go after us, to catch us, to top us..... I spoke to all the ladies before, I wanted them to celebrate the womanhood, go out there and be fabulous, show everyone model realness and have fun with it. Well, the ladies did not listen to their designer and went with uptight modeling instead of having fun and it shows in the pictures. I don't understand, they were getting pictures as well, wouldn't you go for awesome pics, instead of uptight, no smiles, flat pictures. Bummer!! OMG, before I forget, we had our very first Asian Model (Vivian) and Plus Size Model (Jennifer). So Vivian is Korean and was leaving to Korea the following morning. Jennifer is local (South Florida) and wants to be a fashion designer too, she showed me some of her drawing, very cute, there's potential there. All in all, we had a very nice time; the crowd was very enthusiastic and proper. Linda was in control but very cool, nothing fazed her, it was her way and you had to do it her way, she ruled!! I look forward to next year with Miss Linda at another venue; lets' not get into that....Anyway, as I said before, our last show of the year. We will take a well deserved break, vacations from fashion, although I will be writing, photoshoping, creating the new catalog, and gearing up for 2013. Talk to you soon....Kisses, Viktor Franovik